Frequently Asked Questions
We have collected the most commonly asked questions
over the years into this digest. If, after looking through this list your
your questions are not answered, feel free to email
technical support. You may also want to browse for answers to
your questions in our customer
forum. The forum was added as an area for customers to discuss
projects. It collects and contains information on a variety of
What do I need to get started?
Answer: You will need a
development kit and a TICkit device.
The development kit includes the software
necessary for your PC
to compile and download programs and a download cable
(Note: You will have
to make your own cable if you use the trial version software).
You may elect to buy a
TICkit module which includes the
EEprom, crystal, and interpreter on a 40pin DIP package or
only a TICkit interpreter IC. We strongly suggest you
initially purchase an assembled unit simply to get started
with fewer chances of silly mistakes. Everything you need
can be purchased in one of our Getting Started Packages (GSP),
which includes a few components for simple projects.
How large of a program can I put into a TICkit?
Answer: 64K
worth of Tokens.
A TICkit 83/84 allows you
to store up to 7K of tokens inside the TICkit IC itself. If
you need larger program or data space, you can add 24LC256
or 24LC512 EEproms. Although you can have 256K or 512K
bytes of external EEprom, only 64K of this can be used for
program tokens. The rest can be used for data or for audio
playback files.
How may program tokens are used per line of FBasic?
Answer: Varies between 1 and 25
A simple function which does
only one thing with no variable can take a single token,
like the EXIT directive. However, every function call on a
line involves at least one token to specify the function
(three if the called function is written in FBasic).
parameter and return value require one token. Any
literal values that are used require tokens to store them.
There is often stack cleanup that needs to take
place, requiring a few tokens as well. So, a normal
sized mathematics line with several function calls and
some parameters typically uses about 10 to 20 tokens.
How does a TICkit compare to the BASIC STAMP products?
Answer: The TICkit 83/84 is without a doubt a more
powerful unit, with very few exceptions.
The TICkit offers:
more RAM (112 bytes variable space, 96 bytes stack
space, 32 bytes scratch pad space)
more EEprom (512K available in TICkit)
faster, ranging between 40-10,000% (see next
question for clarification)
sophisticated programming language (combines simplicity of
Basic with structural capabilities of C)
32bit signed math
32 bit floating point math
powerful programming tools (symbolic run-time debugging)
the ability to write assembly language
routines of your own
multi-threading capability
interrupt processing capability
internal token fetching
The TICkit
83/84 includes many built in hardware capabilities, giving the user the ability to do things in background.
STAMP is simpler by the fact that PBASIC is a more familiar
language and less complicated to learn. The STAMP II also has
some library capabilities that the TICkit does not include.
Please review the stamp
comparison document for a detailed list of
Does the RSB509 serial buffer allow the STAMP to receive
serial information in background?
Answer: YES!
RSB509 can receive up to 32 bytes of serial data before it
requires its STAMP host to do anything with it. The RSB509
can only send bytes one at a time, so this limits the
options of the SERIN statement, though. The RSB6505 has a
line oriented mode which can work in conjunction with the
STAMP SERIN statement.
What is the difference between the RSB509B and the
Answer: Handling of baud
The RSB509C handles packed bursts of
9600 baud better than the 509B. Also, the 509C is
mono-wire compliant which means that it can share an
interface line with another mono-wire device. The 509B and
509C are programmed the same except that the address byte
must always be sent for the 509B. The 509C only requires
the address byte when an addressed packet mode is used.